Why Speech Analytics Is Your Most Valuable Internal Auditing Tool

Speech analytics is one of the newest and most valuable internal auditing tools on the market today. The technology not only helps you to learn more about your customers and their needs, but it also helps to ensure that your agents remain compliant as well as perform to the best of their ability.

Speech analytics turns WAV or MP3 audio recordings into transcriptions of the audio into searchable text. At this point, you can use the information in a variety of ways.

Compliance Auditing

Compliance auditing is one of the most logical uses for speech analytics. It can help you to ensure that your agents are doing everything they’re supposed to during each call. By using the recorded calls, you can determine whether the agent stays on script, states the Mini Miranda, and discloses pertinent information at the appropriate time and how the agent converses with the customer. Speech analytics can significantly impact the utilization of your recorded calls.

Speech analytics also can help you to economically increase the percentage of calls that are reviewed and scored, automate measuring and maintain compliance standards, and provide a range of real-time and post-call analytics and key KPIs.

Customer Service

In addition to using speech analytics to ensure compliance, you can use the technology to ensure excellent customer service. Within each audio file, you can search for specific word groups to determine an agent’s politeness. For example, you can create a politeness bookmark that will automatically search for selected phrases, such as “please” and “thank you.” Finding that bookmarker within many of an agent’s recorded calls will help you to determine how polite that agent is overall.

You can create multiple libraries of words to get a strong foundation for your speech analytics initiative. By utilizing this technology, you can ensure that your agents follow work standards for avoiding specific phrases and/or stating specific information at key points.

Work Standards Compliance

Speech analytics is extremely helpful for ensuring work standards compliance. While you can ask your agents to start and stop the recording to avoid recording important information, there are no guarantees that this approach will work. The agents could forget to restart the call and thus you’ll miss the entire call.

Speech analytics can make this much easier. The tool can search through the recordings for specific strings of data then redact the sensitive content from the recordings before storing them permanently. During the redaction process, the recordings are locked so this information isn’t accessible. Then the recording is stored with the sensitive information redacted.

Learn More from DialConnection

Speech analytics is arguably your most valuable tool for internal auditing. Whether you want to ensure agent compliance, are trying to work around a client’s work standards, or want to ensure excellent customer service, speech analytics can help you get there.

Learn more about this valuable addition to your call center solution from DialConnection.

Posted in Business
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